Making Big Ideas Happen

Ahli dan Staf

WRI brings together 1,400 experts and other staff in working in seven programs: food, forests, water, energy, cities, climate and the ocean and four centers of excellence for business, economics, finance and equity. Our staff and researchers work globally to produce data-based solutions that generate real change on the ground.

12 Featured Experts

Pakar & Staf Program

Geraldy Arief

Project Lead for Research and GIS Papua

Rizzah Aulifia

Communications Officer

Rizzah Aulifia

Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya

Endowment Fund for Sustainability Project Lead

Mercyta Glorya

Ratih Kurniawati

Project Operations Assistant


Cynthia Maharani

Gender, Equity, & Social Inclusion Program Lead

Sonny Mumbunan

Lead Environmental Economist (Senior Research Associate)

Almo Pradana

Deputy Program Director for Climate, Energy, Cities & the Ocean

Eko Supryanto Kusumo Jati

Engagement & Research Analyst

Paulista Surjadi

Senior Communications Coordinator 

paulista surjadi.jpg

Maria Theresia Vinetha N.

Project Operations Specialist

Maria Vinetha

Rezky Khairun Zain

Climate & Energy Senior Analyst

Rezky Zain

Nada Zharfania Zuhaira

Sustainable Business & Net Zero Analyst